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Bursary Fund
Education Bursary Scheme for Sixth Form Students
The 16-19 Bursary Funds are paid by the Young People’s Learning Agency (YPLA) to Schools and Colleges so that they may provide financial help to students whose access to or completion of education might be inhibited by financial consideration.
You must read this document carefully to ensure that you fully understand the requirements of the grant.
Students must be under 19 at the start of the academic year they want a bursary for and studying at school lor college, or on an unpaid training course.
At the beginning of the academic year each School is allocated a fixed sum of money for the 16-19 Fund. It is anticipated that any finance awarded to a student would be used towards the cost of books /equipment and transport. There are clear set criteria regarding eligibility for payments from the fund and an application has to be made to the School for consideration. Application forms must be received by Friday 20th September 2019.
Our agreed criteria are set out below.
Students may apply for either:
(A) Guaranteed Bursary
If a student is
- in care
- a care leaver
- Young person personally in receipt of universal credit or income support
- Young people who are disabled and receive employment support allowance and a personal independence payment in their own name
- students will be entitled to receive £1200 for the academic year providing they are enrolled on a full time approved course. School will claim payment from the relevant local authority.
(B) Shared Allocation
Step 1: Eligible applicants are identified as falling under one of the three student tiers of need below:
▪ Student Tier A – Students who have successfully claimed free school meals for the current academic year.
Evidence: original local authority free school meals letter, school transition data or original Tax Credit/Universal Credit Award Notice annual statement from HMRC clearly showing household income.
▪ Student Tier B – Students whose home Household income is less than £20,817
Evidence: original Tax Credit/ Universal Credit Award Notice annual statement from HMRC clearly showing household income.
▪ Student Tier C - Students whose home household income is less than £25,520
Evidence: original Tax Credit/ Universal Award Notice annual statement from HMRC clearly showing household income.
Step 2: Size of maximum payment depends upon the student tier, number of applicants and of course the total amount of funding available. Each tier then has a specific weighting multiple for a share of this residual fund. This will be circumstantial of the applicants.
Step 3: Conditions of funding
To continue to receive a bursary a student must satisfy the following ‘Bursary Agreement’ Conditions:
1) The student must have attendance above 95% and have no unexplained absence from school.
2) The student must not be late on more than 5 occasions per term. (This can be amended with a discretionary decision where attendance is sub-95%, with a note of the context as to why we are awarding, and a conversation with parents/carers that if it doesn't improve over the next term, payment will be prevented).
3) The student must be up to date with all class and homework and have handed in all coursework by the published deadlines.
4) The student must achieve ‘Outstanding’ or ‘Good’ for the following ‘Attitude to Learning’ grades: effort; classwork; homework; and organisation.
The final decision for each Student will be at the discretion of the bursary fund manager and is non-negotiable.
Students in receipt of this grant funding will not be eligible or granted any further financial support from the school in help towards these costs.
Students will also be required to inform the school of changes in their financial circumstances.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: How much money will I receive?
A: Unless you fall into the Vulnerable Student Group, the amount of funding you will receive will be dependent on which tier you fall into, but also how many students apply for the funding as the calculation used is split between the numbers of applicants. Only those students who fall into the Vulnerable Student Group receive up to a set annual payment of £1,200.
Q: I qualified for the Bursary last year – do I still need to apply?
A: Yes – to qualify for any funding from September 2023, everyone will need to submit a new application with original HMRC evidence for this current year. You will also need to bear in mind that if you still qualify, the amount of money you receive may differ to what you received last year.
Q: Who has decided the income thresholds for eligibility for the different Tiers of funding?
A: The income thresholds have been agreed based on the first threshold of the tax credit/universal credit rates published by HMRC.
Q: When will I get my money?
A: Payments are made at the end each half term
Q: What can I use my money for?
A: The money, when directly deposited int the student’s bank account, is theirs to do with that they wish. However, we strongly advise that bursary money is used for: Transport to and from Sixth Form; books and equipment; hardship costs and additional course costs (trips and residential visits).
Further guidance can be obtained by looking on the website: https://www.gov.uk/1619-bursary-fund